Not all the clowns in the world wear make-up and perform in circuses or children's parties.
Some we elect into office ...
"Even the people who are supposed to like clowns — children — supposedly don’t. In 2008, a widely reported University of Sheffield, England, survey of 250 children between the ages of four and 16 found that most of the children disliked and even feared images of clowns."
"Adult clown phobics are unsettled by the clown’s face-paint and the inability to read genuine emotion on a clown’s face, as well as the perception that clowns are able to engage in manic behavior, often without consequences."
"... clowns have always had a dark side ..."
"Clowns aren't creepy! They're clowns! They're here to entertain us, to make us laugh ... not to scare us!"
"... clowns are universally disliked by children.
Some found clown images to be quite frightening ..."
- Dr. Penny Curtis, researcher